Backed by a supportive and encouraging TSSSA Board who allow us as an organisation to be motivated and challenged to positively impact school sport experiences and improve outcomes for our young people.
The TSSSA Board and Taranaki Principal’s association share in the vision of TSSSA as a crucial conduit in the school sport space across the province and beyond, connecting stakeholders and partners and continually advocating for Rangatahi.
Rachel Williams
Chairperson TSSSA
Principal: Te Paepae O Aotea
Sam Moore
Principal: New Plymouth Boys High School
Daryl Warburton
Principal: Waitara High School
Philippa Smith
Sports Coordinator Representative
Stratford High School
Michael Carr
CE Sport Taranaki
Oliver Braddock
Student Representative
New Plymouth Boys' High School
Lily Bishop
Student Representative
Sacred Heart Girls' College
T: 06 759 0930 ext 705
L: Yarrow Stadium (Sport Taranaki Building)
Maratahu Street Westown, 4310
New Plymouth New Zealand