Backed by a supportive and encouraging TSSSA Board who allow us as an organisation to be motivated and challenged to positively impact school sport experiences and improve outcomes for our young people.

​​​​​​​The TSSSA Board and Taranaki Principal’s association share in the vision of TSSSA as a crucial conduit in the school sport space across the province and beyond, connecting stakeholders and partners and continually advocating for Rangatahi.

Rachel Williams

Chairperson TSSSA

Principal: Te Paepae O Aotea


Sam Moore

Principal: New Plymouth Boys High School

Daryl Warburton

Principal: Waitara High School

Philippa Smith

Sports Coordinator Representative

​​​​​​​Stratford High School

Michael Carr

CE Sport Taranaki

Oliver Braddock

Student Representative

New Plymouth Boys' High School

Lily Bishop

Student Representative

Sacred Heart Girls' College