Balance is Better

Balance is Better is an evidence-based philosophy to support quality sport experiences for all young people, regardless of ability, needs and motivations. It is about young people staying involved in sport for life and realising their potential at the right time. 

The Balance is Better philosophy has been developed by the New Zealand sport system (e.g. sport organisations, leaders and administrators, schools, clubs, coaches, parents and volunteers) to support the culture change needed to provide quality sport opportunities for tamariki (5-11) and rangatahi (12-18). Sport NZ’s current focus is on rangatahi, given the decline we are seeing in teenage participation. 

The Balance is Better philosophy has supported TSSSA’s aims and allowed them to broaden their reach using resources and stories that are relevant to secondary school students. The introduction of the philosophy has provided a common ground for collaboration and conversation with the regional sports trust, regional sport organisations and schools in Taranaki. Notably, the philosophy has reinforced the need for TSSSA to continue to look at how to best engage students that are not actively involved in typical sport offerings – the same rationale underpins Modified Sports Week

Head over to the Balance is Better website to read about some great articles about how to put the guiding principles into action. 

TSSSA are an active member of the Taranaki Good Sports Group , a collective voice of Regional Sports Organisations and clubs and the Regional Sports Trust that seek to share and promote the philosophies of Balance is Better.